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Mark Your Calendar! It's five days to the start of Kansas' first domestic partner registry
Mark Your Calendar! It's five days to the start of Kansas' first domestic partner registry
At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 1, couples will gather at the Lawrence City Hall to become the first to register as domestic partners in the state of Kansas.
Registry will be done via computers in the City Commission room on the first floor. The fee is $75.
Now couples -- both same-sex and straight -- will be able to gain access to health insurance and other benefits already offered by their employers. This is just one of the advantages of being able to legally prove a domestic partner relationship.
Kudos and huzzahs to the Kansas Equality Coalition for winning approval of this important registry. The Equality Coalition has more detail on its web site.
Registry will be done via computers in the City Commission room on the first floor. The fee is $75.
Now couples -- both same-sex and straight -- will be able to gain access to health insurance and other benefits already offered by their employers. This is just one of the advantages of being able to legally prove a domestic partner relationship.
Kudos and huzzahs to the Kansas Equality Coalition for winning approval of this important registry. The Equality Coalition has more detail on its web site.
Lawrence domestic partner registry prompts City Hall celebration
Lawrence domestic partner registry prompts City Hall celebration
Here are just some of the couples who registered today.
Top: Joyce Shontz and Danita Long have been a committed couple for 6 years. In the background are Tom Witt, state chair of the Kansas Equality Coalition, talking to a reporter. Tom is in the brown suit. Joyce, by the way, is a former president of her church board of directors. Danita teaches in the congregation's Sunday school.
Middle: Jessica Pierson, left, and Jen Humphrey, right, took some time off from work to register.
Bottom: Mike Silverman, left, and Dave Greenbaum, right, have been together for more than a decade.
Neither these photos or any of the others I've posted give a sense of the number of people who crammed into the room. The Equality Coalition had lined up four couples to register, but others kept coming.
Switching off the death penalty
By the Monitor's Editorial Board
This month, the Kansas Legislature is expected to begin hearings on a bill to repeal the death penalty. If the bill passes, Kansas will become the third state in three years to eliminate capital punishment – another encouraging milestone on the way to ending this practice in America.
Last March, New Mexico replaced the death penalty with a maximum sentence of life without parole, as did New Jersey in 2007. If Kansas follows, it will become the 16th state to forgo executions as a criminal justice tool.
The nation has been pulling back from sanctioned killing as a punishment for heinous crimes. In 2009, 106 people were handed death sentences – a record low since 1976, when the US Supreme Court upheld capital punishment.
Last year, the American Law Institute, which put in place the intellectual underpinnings of the modern capital justice system, abandoned its work in this field. The Supreme Court relied heavily on the institute’s framework when it decided to uphold capital punishment. But the institute has concluded that it’s not possible to ensure “a minimally adequate system for administering” the death penalty. A review for the institute cited many problems, including a lack of fairness.
Practical considerations are moving states – and juries – away from capital punishment. A big factor is cost, driven up by the lengthy appeals process and the expense of investigation and litigation when a life is at stake. Kansas estimates, for example, that the median cost of a death penalty case is 70 percent higher than for a murder case where the death penalty is not given.
Juries are also more cautious about mistaken convictions (139 people sentenced to death have been exonerated since 1973). The Supreme Court, too, has narrowed the field of those who may be executed, eliminating juveniles and those diagnosed as mentally retarded. And the death penalty is not an effective deterrent against crime.
But the moral argument against capital punishment should not be forgotten. A government’s job is to preserve life, not compound a terrible wrong by taking another life. A death sentence cuts off the opportunity for redemption and leans on an outdated concept of justice based on revenge.
The practical concerns spurring the anti-death-penalty trend are important, but circumstances can change. The moral imperative does not.
Kansas could abolish death penalty to cut costs
By Erin Brown
The state budget crisis has forced Kansas legislators to re-evaluate state spending, leading some lawmakers to review the cost and effectiveness of the Kansas death penalty law.
The Kansas legislature is reviewing Senate Bills 208 and 375, both of which would abolish the death penalty in Kansas. Senate Bill 208 was introduced and debated last year, but no action was taken on the bill.
After three days of hearings, the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider Senate Bill 375 Friday, Sen. Marci Francisco (D-Lawrence), said.
“The major concern that brought this topic up again was looking at the cost,” Francisco said. “Obviously we are in a tight budget situation.”
A death penalty prosecution can cost as much as a million dollars, she said, while a life sentence without parole could save taxpayers half a million dollars or more for each case.
According to Senate Bill 208, the median cost of a non-death-penalty murder case was approximately 70 percent less than the median cost of a death sentence.
Kansas re-enacted the death penalty in 1994, but has not carried out an execution since 1965, according to Senate Bill 375.
According to the National Center for State Courts’ website, Kansas has 10 inmates on death row. As the bill now stands, the abolishment of the death penalty, if passed, would not take effect until July 1, 2010.
Although Francisco is not a member of the Judiciary Committee, she said that she was glad the committee had decided to review the death penalty, and that she hoped to debate a bill in the full senate.
“I think senators feel this is a good time to engage again in this discussion and debate,” she said.
George Dungan, a senior from Lincoln, Neb. and vice-president of KU Young Democrats, said he was glad legislators had decided to debate the death penalty, especially during a time of economic instability for the state.
“In a time when Kansas is struggling to make ends meet, it seems absurd to continue an ineffective and expensive program, such as the death penalty,” he said.
Eric Foss, a senior from Overland Park and president of KU College Republicans, said his support for the death penalty hinged on the effectiveness of a state’s appeals process.
“For me, it’s not an argument of whether it is a more effective punishment,” he said. “We need to make sure we aren’t executing innocent people. That’s my primary concern.”
Foss said he thought it was possible the death penalty would end in Kansas.
“I think now, more than ever, because of budget constraints it is pretty likely that the decision to outlaw the death penalty may be made,” he said.
Kansas is one of 35 states with the death penalty, according to the National Center for State Courts. Fifteen states have abolished the death penalty, the most recent being New Mexico, which outlawed the death penalty last year.
Editorial: Kansas needs to repeal the death penalty law
By Caitlin Thornbrugh
With the majority of the nation looking to save even a few dollars, it is not a surprise that the state of Kansas is trying to economize a budget that is becoming more and more of a problem.
On Friday, a Senate committee will review a proposal to repeal the death penalty in Kansas. The Senate should vote in favor of the repeal, not only because it is a human rights issue, but because it will save the state a substantial amount of money.
During a budget crisis, even a traditionally conservative state should see the benefits of saving money from the proposed bill.
Today, The Kansan reported that Sen. Marci Franciso (D-Lawrence) said she thought the primary reason this topic was being discussed was because of the status of the budget. A death penalty prosecution can cost as much as a million dollars, she said, while a life sentence without parole could save taxpayers half a million dollars or more for each case.
According to Senate Bill 208 the average cost of a murder case without the death penalty sentence costs approximately 70 percent less than the average cost of a case that does have a death sentence. The misinformed argument that it is too expensive to impose life sentences without parole is false.
Kansas is one of 35 states that have a death penalty sentence for certain crimes. In Kansas, capital punishment has not been used once since its re-enactment 16 years ago. This lack of use is yet another reason to eliminate an unnecessary, money draining procedure.
Aside from monetary reasons, the death penalty also raises human rights questions. Capital punishment has a history of racism and execution of the innocent. These problems, along with fiscal motivations, establish a firm argument against the death penalty law.
The Senate committee will be making a fiscally responsible decision, as well as voting in favor of human rights, if it passes this bill to the full Senate. Students at the University, who are affected by the state budget, should contact their senators to support repealing the death penalty law.
Bishop testifies against death penalty
Bishop testifies against death penalty
TOPEKA — The Catholic Church added its voice to others seeking to repeal capital punishment in Kansas during a three-day hearing Jan. 19 to 21 at the state Capitol.
On Jan. 19, Bishop Michael O. Jackels of the Diocese of Wichita gave testimony of the church’s teaching about the death penalty before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
In his testimony, Bishop Jackels — speaking for the Kansas Catholic Conference — said that the Catholic Church recognizes the duty of the state to protect citizens.
“The church also teaches that the death penalty should not be imposed if there are other ways to guarantee public order and the safety of citizens,” he said.
There were attempts to repeal the state’s death penalty law in 2009. Although a bill went to the full Senate, it wasn’t voted upon because of questions regarding consequences if it became law, said Michael Schuttloffel, executive director of the Kansas Catholic Conference.
This year, the Senate is taking the lead with Senate Bill 375, which was scheduled for a vote on Friday, Jan. 29, on whether to send it out of committee to the Senate floor for a vote. “As far as its chances are, it’s hard to say,” said Schuttloffel. “Last year, we never had a final vote in the Senate, where people had to go on the record up or down, so we really don’t know.”
“It’s a very challenging issue for people,” he continued. “There are a lot of people really on the fence who are genuinely conflicted — Catholic legislators who are really torn. So, it’s difficult to know [the legislation’s prospects]. No one has a solid head count.”
The bill’s prospects will be especially challenging this year, because it is also an election year. “This is one of those issues that can try a politician’s courage in an election year, because it’s easy to demagogue the issue,” said Schuttloffel. “It’s easy to get hit over the head [with this] during an election year. And last year just getting it out of committee was by the skin of our teeth — one vote.”
Kansas reinstated the death penalty in 1994, becoming the 35th state to have capital punishment on the books. The state has not executed anyone since June 22, 1965.
Death Penalty Too Costly, Not Deterrent
Death Penalty Too Costly, Not Deterrent
Senator Carolyn McGinn
Because of the state's budget deficit, state legislators are looking at how we fund government today and in the future. We are considering bills that would consolidate and restructure agencies, as well as policy decisions that would reduce government spending.
One policy change being considered is whether the death penalty is worth its higher cost to Kansas citizens, versus the alternative sentence of life in prison without parole we now have on the books.
Since Kansas placed the death penalty on the books in 1994, not one person has been executed. Kansas has not executed anyone since 1965. The Kansas Legislature passed a measure in 2004 creating the sentence of life without parole.
In 2003, a Kansas Legislative Division of Post Audit report found that the estimated median cost of a case in which the death sentence was given was about 70 percent more than the median cost of a non-death penalty murder case. This report included information provided by the Kansas Attorney General's Office, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, the Board of Indigents' Defense Services, and local courts, prosecutors and law enforcement officers.
In testimony Friday in Topeka, Pat Scalia of the Board of Indigents' Defense Services stated that since the re-enactment of the death penalty, 107 cases were filed with charges under the capital murder statute. To date, 26 death penalty trials have been completed, 12 resulting in the death sentence. The cost for the defense through Feb. 23 was $19.9 million.
This added cost is a result of investigation, lengthier trials and the higher cost and frequency of appeals. The appeals process is mandated by the U.S. Supreme Court and the Constitution. The state of Kansas can do little to reduce these costs, which are built into cases involving capital punishment.
Because of the emotional impact, this change in policy cannot be totally weighed in dollars. This is why Senate Bill 208 has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. At its public hearing Thursday, senators heard testimony demonstrating the inconsistency, ineffectiveness and the greater fiscal and emotional burdens of the death penalty system.
The committee also heard much testimony disputing the widely held belief that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to violent crime. The American Society of Criminology surveyed criminologists about their thoughts regarding whether the death penalty was a deterrent to crimes, and the vast majority responded that it was not a deterrent. Further, the life-without-parole sentence has given the state an effective alternative to ensure the most heinous criminals are never able to endanger society again.
Having this discussion in no way diminishes the pain and grief that victims and family members go through. Nor does it indicate that those on death row are not deserving of dying in prison. It does cause one to ask whether lethal injection is worse than being forced to live life in isolation until death.
DCCC Drops $21.5M on 66 Districts
DCCC Drops $21.5M on 66 Districts
A special roundup of tonight's independent expenditure filings from the DCCC -- likely their last major buys for the cycle:District | Incumbent | Buy | CTD |
AL-02 | Bright | $266,416 | $1,401,924 |
AR-01 | OPEN | $538,343 | $1,760,295 |
AZ-01 | Kirkpatrick | $270,804 | $1,018,678 |
AZ-05 | Mitchell | $269,473 | $1,089,934 |
AZ-07 | Grijalva | $82,991 | $178,153 |
AZ-08 | Giffords | $132,195 | $132,195 |
CA-11 | McNerney | $471,126 | $1,011,469 |
CA-20 | Costa | $191,580 | $346,583 |
CO-03 | Salazar | $258,248 | $1,148,734 |
CO-07 | Perlmutter | $301,064 | $465,176 |
CT-05 | Murphy | $274,950 | $274,950 |
FL-02 | Boyd | $170,422 | $337,516 |
FL-22 | Klein | $315,840 | $315,840 |
FL-25 | OPEN | $775,900 | $1,394,729 |
GA-02 | Bishop | $256,835 | $756,286 |
GA-08 | Marshall | $11,340 | $42,321 |
HI-01 | Djou | $126,252 | $814,931 |
IA-01 | Braley | $166,944 | $180,739 |
IA-02 | Loebsack | $270,353 | $578,620 |
IA-03 | Boswell | $157,789 | $723,500 |
IL-10 | OPEN | $590,722 | $1,725,029 |
IL-14 | Foster | $526,917 | $1,283,956 |
IL-17 | Hare | $92,158 | $1,091,570 |
IN-02 | Donnelly | $179,712 | $729,651 |
IN-09 | Hill | $454,496 | $1,305,315 |
KY-06 | Chandler | $133,451 | $452,695 |
MA-10 | OPEN | $823,059 | $1,390,878 |
MD-01 | Kratovil | $339,824 | $1,467,081 |
MI-01 | OPEN | $201,432 | $1,274,577 |
MI-07 | Schauer | $354,294 | $1,354,383 |
MI-09 | Peters | $497,250 | $497,250 |
MN-01 | Walz | $129,922 | $255,726 |
MO-04 | Skelton | $458,420 | $1,236,357 |
MS-01 | Childers | $224,934 | $957,497 |
NC-07 | McIntyre | $62,134 | $202,049 |
NC-08 | Kissell | $458,101 | $1,705,390 |
ND-AL | Pomeroy | $294,008 | $795,743 |
NH-02 | OPEN | $487,837 | $968,365 |
NJ-03 | Adler | $642,132 | $642,132 |
NM-01 | Heinrich | $372,240 | $860,469 |
NV-03 | Titus | $404,364 | $1,354,173 |
NY-19 | Hall | $409,200 | $502,692 |
NY-20 | Murphy | $220,230 | $674,536 |
NY-23 | Owens | $431,140 | $921,679 |
NY-24 | Arcuri | $260,352 | $987,973 |
OH-06 | Wilson | $240,781 | $596,578 |
OH-16 | Boccieri | $296,096 | $1,449,103 |
OH-18 | Space | $277,311 | $1,512,696 |
OR-05 | Schrader | $354,767 | $1,239,101 |
PA-07 | OPEN | $702,325 | $950,105 |
PA-08 | Murphy | $544,222 | $544,222 |
PA-10 | Carney | $217,499 | $579,489 |
PA-11 | Kanjorski | $196,926 | $670,576 |
PA-12 | Critz | $325,011 | $1,100,181 |
SC-05 | Spratt | $252,007 | $1,124,024 |
SD-AL | Herseth | $262,822 | $344,786 |
TN-04 | Davis | $168,260 | $454,260 |
TX-17 | Edwards | $568,953 | $626,750 |
TX-23 | Rodriguez | $169,021 | $815,577 |
VA-02 | Nye | $88,514 | $788,447 |
VA-05 | Perriello | $142,123 | $593,713 |
VA-11 | Connolly | $1,079,867 | $1,458,790 |
WA-02 | Larsen | $344,383 | $605,930 |
WA-03 | OPEN | $562,384 | $1,728,123 |
WI-07 | OPEN | $131,383 | $880,769 |
WV-01 | OPEN | $210,483 | $1,180,131 |
Total: | $21,492,332 | $57,853,090 |
If the Tea Party Wins, America Loses.
If the Tea Party Wins, America Loses.
Oct. 27: In a Special Comment, Countdown’s Keith Olbermann explains why voting for the Tea Party will mean a step backward for America.
More on the opening of the domestic partner registry
More on the opening of the domestic partner registry
The Rev. Patrick Rogers, pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Topeka, attended the event to provide support and celebrate the opening of the registry. Rev. Rogers recently moved to Topeka from Houston.
Remember, you don't have to go to City Hall to register. If you are a resident of Lawrence, meet the other criteria, and pay the fee (have your credit card handy), you and your partner can register online.
Laughter & smiles light up Lawrence City Hall as domestic partner registry launches
Laughter & smiles light up Lawrence City Hall as domestic partner registry launches
Top: Steve Maceli, owner of Maceli's in Lawrence, and his partner, John Connolly, a board member of the Lawrence/Douglas Chapter of the Kansas Equality Coalition, finally get a chance to register their partnership with the city.
Bottom: Some of the crowd at City hall this morning.
Photos by Tom Witt
Bottom: Some of the crowd at City hall this morning.
Photos by Tom Witt
Wichita-area Legislators Hear From Citizens Before Session Starts
Wichita-area Legislators Hear From Citizens Before Session Starts
Citizens from South Central Kansas gave their legislators plenty of ideas and opinions to take to Topeka for the upcoming 2010 Legislative session. State Representatives and Senators from Wichita and the surrounding area listened as 31 citizens expressed their interests and opinions for nearly two hours Tuesday evening in the jury room of the Sedgwick County Courthouse in Wichita.
Legislators will hear from several governments and interest groups Thursday afternoon during their annual meeting at Wichita State University. The public is also invited to attend Thursday’s meeting but will not be allowed to address the delegation.
Speakers at Tuesday’s meeting addressed a broad range of topics and nearly all thanked the delegation for their service. Many said they recognized the challenges legislators face in balancing the state’s budget during tough economic times.
Concerns about judicial corruption and children unnecessarily taken from their families by state agencies were the most common topics. About a third of the speakers asked for better checks on the state’s judicial system. Some made allegations of corruption and called for granting subpoena power to the Government Efficiency and Fiscal Oversight Committee chaired by Rep. Jim Morrison, (R-Colby) or creation of a citizen’s grand jury independent of the judiciary.
Several speakers said too many children are being taken from their parents by judges and state agencies. A few said a profit motive was involved and alleged collusion with contractors to garner childcare payments from parents as well as money from state and federal sources.
A recent Legislative Post Audit report (pdf) examined allegations that Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) workers were “bullied” by district attorney’s offices. The audit found that about 80% of social workers statewide didn’t feel pressured to distort their reports but in Sedgwick County about half felt that way.
Recent hearings by the Joint Committee on Children’s Issues heard statistics and examples illustrating the problem. Rep. Bill Otto (R-LeRoy) told KansasWatchdog, “the State of Kansas takes children away from parents — severing their parental rights — when the parent in question has committed no crime. The child has committed no crime. But they just didn’t do what the nanny state told them to. I think I need to do something about that.”
John Todd, representing Americans for Prosperity, asked legislators to not raise taxes. “This is not a time to raise taxes on businesses and families that are struggling to pay their bills and trying to maintain their jobs. Economic recovery will come from the private sector, particularly small businesses that don’t need a rollback of hard-fought tax relief gained in previous legislative sessions.”
Kansas Policy Institute President Dave Trabert summarized recent research showing significant opportunities for savings through increasing efficiency and spending down cash balances before cutting services or raising taxes.
Several speakers asked legislators to cease or reduce funding for Planned Parenthood.
“What were you thinking? Haven’t any of you toured electric plants? Didn’t any of you know the drawbacks of wind power? Did you know how much electricity costs from any power source?” He reminded legislators that wind-powered electric generators are heavily subsidized by taxpayers and that wind, even in Kansas, is not a reliable source of electricity.
Rep. Melody McCray-Miller (D-Wichita), who chaired the forum, extended the meeting beyond its scheduled 8:30 p.m. wrap-up to allow all who sighed up to speak to do so. The last speaker, Paul Rhodes of Wichita, thanked the legislators and noted the many hard decisions they would face in the upcoming session.
Rhodes, in effect, summarized the tenor of the preceding speakers by asking that legislators reduce the tax burden on citizens, provide better access to justice for all and “correction of high crimes under the color of law.”
“My belief is that under every bad economy is a moral or ethical problem. Some say the opposite of love is hate. The opposite of love is indifference.”
Friday, October 29, 2010
Twitter Posts from the KansasWatchdog on hearings today in Topeka, KS on Children's Issues, "Foster Care"
Twitter Posts from the KansasWatchdog on hearings today in Topeka, KS on Children's Issues, "Foster Care"
#ksleg Summers: refuses to stop a second time as she gives her summary about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Summers: refuses to stop when asked by State Rep Neufeld. says she has another page and a half of testimony. Neufeld yields (so far) about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Summers: Three witnesses were ignored by the court. Background checks delayed reunification. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Summers: child had been abused and was threatend "not to tell" about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Summers: "travesty of justice" is the title of a book she is writing about harm done to children in this state. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Summers does not understand why case was not prosecuted when abuse was obvious in her opinion. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Summers testifying about Judge Burgess not allowing evidence to be heard in court room. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Frankie Summers, a fFormer educator, talking now about personal experiences about what child experienced while in custody. about 8 hours ago via web
#kslefg Judge Burgess: I cannot hold parents accountable if contractors are also not held accountable. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge Burgess wants to reply to Attorney's comments. Talking about relationship with contractors. Judge for closer communications about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg State Rep Holmes: Where is problem? Attorney: multi-facted prolbem. Remove financial incentive. Some rules need to be changed. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Attorney: Reality is once there's a problem you're in court for month and months. Need to take money incentives out of system. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Live tweeting from Kansas Fed and State Affairs Committee Hearing about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Attorney: privatization creates financial incentives for contractors that are not in the best interest of the child. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Attorney: children can be removed. SRS doesn't investigate. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Attorney: Need fair judges. Judges being too close to workers, contractors can be a problem. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Attorney: Case worker's report was in error and court acted on it. Judge said "it didn't matter". Need checks and balances. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg: Attorney: Case worker had child removed. Worker had too much power. Best interest of child not served. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg JoCo attorney (can't spell the name) talking about removal of child for spanking that could not be substantiated. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg State rep talking about CASA: Court Appointed Special Advocates for children. There are not enough CASAs to meet the need. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg State Rep Neufeld asking about GAL training. Hogan: Training is one way to help support attorneys about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg State Rep Kiegerl: GAL paid $60/hr in JoCo; Hogan: In SG County $35K/year for half-time work but usually more than half-time. about 8 hours ago via web
#ksleg Hogan: many parents don't have money for legal representation. Guardian ad litems (GAL) are paid less than many attorneys. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Attorney Kelly Hogan, child legal services. Talking about a how a guardian ad litem represents the child's best interest. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge says grandparents always allowed to comment. "Call me" to state reps if you ever have a problem with a case. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg State Rep Kiegerl asking judge why there seems to be more cases in Sedgwick county. Perhaps judges and contractors too close? about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge Burgess: implementation of privatization was rough at first. "Perfectly fine with it now" about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge Burgess: We have problems in Sedgwick County that western Kansas does not have. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge Burgess: When "Kansas is rich" prevention would be a better approach. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge Burgess: Transition to privatization was difficult. Now meet with contractors once a month. about 9 hours ago via web
ksleg Judge Burgess: Only 3% of children taken in are truants. Child has never been removed from home for truancy. Truancy is a huge issue about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg: Almost 60 people at Fed & State hearing to learn about child welfare issues. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg: Judge Burgess: Biggest problem is service delivery. Most families don’t ask for help until crisis hits. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg: Judge Burgess is next to testify. Introductions could be better to identify who is speaking. about 9 hours ago via web
#kslefg Judge asked about her concerns about privatization: Judge: Done quickly, more bureaucracy, service barriers. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge Shepherd: "not a good thing" sometimes when transfers occur between contractors about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Rep Neufeld asking Judge Shepherd about privatization. She was not a supporter; hurt us initially. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge: We don't have cases where someone comes in and asks to give up their kids about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge: Child may be in police protective custody for up to 48 hours until judge signs order. Then in SRS custody. about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg State Rep Mike Kiegerl asking when contractors first see a child after a judge's order about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judge Shepherd (I think Jean F Shepherd from Lawrence) talking about legal steps for removing a child from the home about 9 hours ago via web
#ksleg Judges talking at Fed & State Committee hearing about child welfare. about 9 hours ago via web
JoCo Unofficial Final Election Results: Prairie Village Ward 4, Shawnee Ward 3, Gardner recalls about 24 hours ago via web
#ksleg Most of the ~50 in the audience at the Fed and State Affairs hearing cannot see speakers' slides -- need two screens. 1:01 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg NCSL: Two federal funding streams: title 4 b child welfare, and 4e foster care. 12:45 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg NCSL: State and local funds more than federal but federal rules drive the system. 12:43 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg Sheri Steisel(?) from NCSL DC talking about complexity of child welfare system. Now talking about federal funding. 12:42 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg Chair Neufeld: Remember history. ACLU law suit 15 years ago and other problems resulted in privitization. What are best practices? 12:36 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg State Rep Kiegerl: Any data that privitization doing what was expected? How is performance measured? How do other states compare? 12:32 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg State Rep Loganbill asking if any evidence whether privitization is better or worse. NCSL: Some data, but no conclusion. 12:31 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg Kieger: Removal in other states for non mal-treatment. NCSL rep willl get that data. 12:09 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg State Rep Mike Kiegerl: 53% removed in Kansas for reaons other than neglect. Asking for reason, comparison with other states. 12:08 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg NCSL Rep: Kansas is somewhat unique in number of children removed from home for reasons other than neglect. 12:07 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg Chair Melvin Neufeld asking about a particular statistic for Kansas that was about twice the national average. 12:03 PM Mar 2nd via web
#ksleg Representative from National Conference of State Legislature (NCSL) talking about child welfare system. 11:59 AM Mar 2nd via web
The complexity of the tractor trailer accident
The complexity of the tractor trailer accident
When your goal is to find cheap auto insurance rates in Kansas, there are some things you can do to keep your costs down. Even if your driving record has been less than stellar, you may be able to save some money on the cost of your coverage.1. Pay Your Premium Once A YearIt may be more convenient to pay your KS car insurance once a month by automatic withdrawal but this option is more expensive for the insurance company to implement. If you can afford to pay once a year, you are saving the insurance company some administrative costs. This saving should be passed along to you.2. Buy Liability-Only InsuranceWhen you buy collision and comprehensive coverage for your vehicle, you are getting coverage for the replacement value of the car. This is different from having coverage that will fund a brand new car if you have a total loss. In a situation where you are making payments on your car, the lender will likely insist that you have this type of coverage, but once your car has been paid off it may not make a lot of sense for you to continue to have this protection in place.If your car is paid off and currently worth less than $1,000, you may want to keep your liability insurance in place and drop the other coverage. It will save you some money.3. Maintain A Good Driving RecordGood drivers are rewarded with cheaper Kansas auto insurance rates. It's a fact. Take care every time you are behind the wheel to reduce the likelihood that you will be involved in an accident. You may want to find a car insurance company that is willing to "forgive" a first accident by not raising your premium rates, since even good drivers can have a mishap.By taking these steps, you can get better rates on your car insurance coverage. Buying car insurance may be required in Kansas, but paying more than you need to for the privilege is not. Use these 3 tips to find Kansas auto insurance cheaper price and be able to stay within your budget well.
3 ways to avoid damage to the negotiations for the settlement of a car accident
3 ways to avoid damage to the negotiations for the settlement of a car accident
Here's the most important thing you need to know about dealing with the insurance company for a car accident injury claim: they don't think of the payment as essential help to pay medical bills. For them, your injury claim is only a liability that they need to find a way to write off. It is merely a business transaction. This gives the insurance company a lot of power over the total amount of your settlement. However, once you understand the tricks they use, you will be able to negotiate your injury claim for a better amount. Luckily, you found this article! Because I am a car accident lawyer, I've spent my fair share of time fighting huge insurance corporations. I know what mistakes people most often make that can leave them without help to pay their medical bills.
A lot of people don't understand that the insurance company treats your medical bills like any other business transaction: it's negotiable. To know how you can get the most from your car accident insurance claim, you need to understand these principles of negotiating with insurance adjusters.
1. Always let them make an offer first. You probably shouldn't take the first offer you get because it is almost never the true cost of your damages. Go into the negotiation with the same mindset you would have if you went to a used car dealer: The sticker price is usually higher than what the car is really worth, but it gives you a starting point for negotiations.
Plus, before you can know what your claim is really worth, you must find out how extensive your injuries are and if you are going to need long term medical treatment or expensive surgeries. After you get a starting point from the insurance adjuster you can understand how much ground you have for more.
2. Stay smart and calm. You aren't going to get the most from your car accident injury claim if you aren't on the top of your game. You must prevent the insurance adjuster from getting the upper hand because you were hurt in a car accident.
3. Consider what you can let go. Just like any negotiation, you can get yourself a better position on some issues if you give up some of your claims to others. Consider what is most important and least, and be prepared to give up what you don't need.
These tips will help you negotiate with the insurance adjuster, but there are a whole lot of other tricks that the insurance company will use to deny Help pay medical expenses. This is why it is very important to learn as much as possible about how to secure the work so you can learn their secrets and the fight against the insurance company.
A lot of people don't understand that the insurance company treats your medical bills like any other business transaction: it's negotiable. To know how you can get the most from your car accident insurance claim, you need to understand these principles of negotiating with insurance adjusters.
1. Always let them make an offer first. You probably shouldn't take the first offer you get because it is almost never the true cost of your damages. Go into the negotiation with the same mindset you would have if you went to a used car dealer: The sticker price is usually higher than what the car is really worth, but it gives you a starting point for negotiations.
Plus, before you can know what your claim is really worth, you must find out how extensive your injuries are and if you are going to need long term medical treatment or expensive surgeries. After you get a starting point from the insurance adjuster you can understand how much ground you have for more.
2. Stay smart and calm. You aren't going to get the most from your car accident injury claim if you aren't on the top of your game. You must prevent the insurance adjuster from getting the upper hand because you were hurt in a car accident.
3. Consider what you can let go. Just like any negotiation, you can get yourself a better position on some issues if you give up some of your claims to others. Consider what is most important and least, and be prepared to give up what you don't need.
These tips will help you negotiate with the insurance adjuster, but there are a whole lot of other tricks that the insurance company will use to deny Help pay medical expenses. This is why it is very important to learn as much as possible about how to secure the work so you can learn their secrets and the fight against the insurance company.
I'm running as a Libertarian because I believe that the Republicans and Democrats have jointly caused the problems that this country is facing today. Pat Buchanan termed the Republican and Democratic parties as the "right and the left wing of the bird of prey". Unfortunately, I believe that's the way that any knowledgeable person in the United States today views our morally and financially bankrupt government.
As Kansas Attorney General, my focus will be on bringing liberty to the forefront in Kansas government. Presently, we are overtaxed, unrepresented, and subject to subtle and not-so-subtle threats if we don't "sit down and shut up". The average citizen has no influence over governmental policy. I will work to free Kansans from expensive, ineffective and unjust government.
There are too many people in Kansas prisons for victimless crimes. It costs more money to send a boy to jail than it does to send a boy to Yale. As chief law enforcement officer for the State of Kansas, I will dictate policy for state law enforcement agencies, such as the Kansas Highway Patrol and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. That policy will emphasize detection and prevention of common law crimes such as murder, theft and fraud, and will de-emphasize victimless crimes, such as drugs, gambling and prostitution. I believe that people should take responsibility for their own actions. If you want to shoot Clorox, it's OK with me. It'll clean the gene pool, but don't come to me for rehabilitation. Additionally, government is demonstrably unable to enforce laws against drugs, etc. History shows that more people are using drugs today than they were before the failed "War on Drugs" was declared. We have forgotten the lessons of prohibition.
I know that my views are not politically correct, however, they are MY views...gained after 67 years of experience and observation of the Federal government dangerously ignoring the U.S. Constitution, and therefore, my rights. The preservation and assertion of MY rights is my motivation for running for Kansas Attorney General. I'm also interested in protecting YOUR rights. However, I believe that is largely YOUR responsibility. I will help you fight for your rights...but only if you want to take action.
I also advocate the policy of "NULLIFICATION". Nullification is a concept advocated by Thomas Jefferson, who stated essentially "if the Federal government passes unconstitutional laws, the states can refuse and forbid enforcement of those laws within their borders". I believe this needs to be done TODAY. In Kansas. If I don't want to buy health insurance, the Federal government should not be allowed to force me to do so.
I have a lot more views that will not be appreciated by the political elite. And to them, I say "tough".
(I am NOT accepting campaign contributions. If you want to spend your hard earned dollars, BUY GOLD. Don't give it to politicians.)
As Kansas Attorney General, my focus will be on bringing liberty to the forefront in Kansas government. Presently, we are overtaxed, unrepresented, and subject to subtle and not-so-subtle threats if we don't "sit down and shut up". The average citizen has no influence over governmental policy. I will work to free Kansans from expensive, ineffective and unjust government.
There are too many people in Kansas prisons for victimless crimes. It costs more money to send a boy to jail than it does to send a boy to Yale. As chief law enforcement officer for the State of Kansas, I will dictate policy for state law enforcement agencies, such as the Kansas Highway Patrol and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. That policy will emphasize detection and prevention of common law crimes such as murder, theft and fraud, and will de-emphasize victimless crimes, such as drugs, gambling and prostitution. I believe that people should take responsibility for their own actions. If you want to shoot Clorox, it's OK with me. It'll clean the gene pool, but don't come to me for rehabilitation. Additionally, government is demonstrably unable to enforce laws against drugs, etc. History shows that more people are using drugs today than they were before the failed "War on Drugs" was declared. We have forgotten the lessons of prohibition.
I know that my views are not politically correct, however, they are MY views...gained after 67 years of experience and observation of the Federal government dangerously ignoring the U.S. Constitution, and therefore, my rights. The preservation and assertion of MY rights is my motivation for running for Kansas Attorney General. I'm also interested in protecting YOUR rights. However, I believe that is largely YOUR responsibility. I will help you fight for your rights...but only if you want to take action.
I also advocate the policy of "NULLIFICATION". Nullification is a concept advocated by Thomas Jefferson, who stated essentially "if the Federal government passes unconstitutional laws, the states can refuse and forbid enforcement of those laws within their borders". I believe this needs to be done TODAY. In Kansas. If I don't want to buy health insurance, the Federal government should not be allowed to force me to do so.
I have a lot more views that will not be appreciated by the political elite. And to them, I say "tough".
(I am NOT accepting campaign contributions. If you want to spend your hard earned dollars, BUY GOLD. Don't give it to politicians.)
New Rules For Bad Credit Debt Consolidation
A look at how the new laws for debt relief will affect bad credit debt consolidation.
If you are not aware of the new rules for bad credit debt consolidation you need to be. Regulation and laws that resulted from a 229 page report released by the FTC have caused a sea change in the way debt relief firms now operate. Along with the Better Business Bureau and the Association of Settlement Companies the FTC is working to protect consumers. The old ways of doing business have been replaced and an honest industry is now emerging. Being aware of the new laws and how they protect debtors is a consumer responsibility. In short, know your rights and don’t get scammed.
Bad credit debt consolidation loans used to exist in a legal gray area that allowed fraudulent companies to operate. A major protection has been put in place. Regulation now requires that a bad credit debt expert must show a result before the customer can be charged. Previously, it was possible for unethical companies to charge up front fees and then produce no results. These companies are being eliminated by new laws.
Customers also used to wait without contact from their debt consolidator. Months could go by with the customer thinking that it was acceptable to not make payments because of the debt relief help only to be shocked to discover that creditors became angry at lack of payment and took legal steps. Now a bad credit debt consolidation company must regularly update customers preventing this scenario from happening.
It was once considered a credit "crap shoot" to take debt help because customers would not find out until the end of the process what would happen to their credit rating. This situation has also changed under new laws as a bad credit debt consolidation firm must tell clients up front what effect their services will have on the credit rating. This simple change removes any chance of credit shock.
With the opportunity to turn multiple payments into one lower payment and eliminate the potential fro multiple fees bad credit debt consolidation loans are a way to manage problems for people with $10,000 or more in debt. For advice and help finding a reputable debt consolidation, follow the link below to a Free Debt Relief Network-
Bad credit debt consolidation loans used to exist in a legal gray area that allowed fraudulent companies to operate. A major protection has been put in place. Regulation now requires that a bad credit debt expert must show a result before the customer can be charged. Previously, it was possible for unethical companies to charge up front fees and then produce no results. These companies are being eliminated by new laws.
Customers also used to wait without contact from their debt consolidator. Months could go by with the customer thinking that it was acceptable to not make payments because of the debt relief help only to be shocked to discover that creditors became angry at lack of payment and took legal steps. Now a bad credit debt consolidation company must regularly update customers preventing this scenario from happening.
It was once considered a credit "crap shoot" to take debt help because customers would not find out until the end of the process what would happen to their credit rating. This situation has also changed under new laws as a bad credit debt consolidation firm must tell clients up front what effect their services will have on the credit rating. This simple change removes any chance of credit shock.
With the opportunity to turn multiple payments into one lower payment and eliminate the potential fro multiple fees bad credit debt consolidation loans are a way to manage problems for people with $10,000 or more in debt. For advice and help finding a reputable debt consolidation, follow the link below to a Free Debt Relief Network-
Debt Consolidation and Student Fees: Most Popular Loan Categories at YES-secure, the UK’s first truly social network aimed at peer to peer (person to person) social lending and borrowing, announced that the two most popular unsecured loan categories currently being approved through its web marketplace are “Debt Consolidation”
“Popularity of debt consolidation via unsecured loans is largely due to the state of the national economy with banks not lending, and secondly, student fee loans are currently popular because universities and colleges are opening soon after the summer”, said Hannah Simkin, the Customer Services and Underwriting Manager.
More than 60 percent of personal loans have been made to people who want to pay off their high interest debt – such as credit cards – with a lower interest rate personal loan. offers personal, unsecured loans via its web marketplace at rates much lower than the typical credit card APR. Borrowers also come to to fund home improvements, weddings and car loan amongst other reasons.
“Over the past three years we have developed the innovative idea of peer to peer lending with a very open and yet secure social networking website, and this combined focus provides proven, clear benefits for both lenders and borrowers involved in the transaction - bringing new opportunities to investors and better interest rates to borrowers,” said Dr. Chandra Patni, CEO at
While borrowers get lower rates, lending investors get solid average returns as high as 20% depending on the level of risks they are prepared to take by lending to different risk categories of borrowers.
Here is how it works:
1. Creditworthy borrowers come to to request loans of up to GBP (£) 25,000.
2. reviews and posts a selection of loan applications that pass the credit checking and ID verification process.
3. Investors fund small fractions of hundreds of loans and build a diversified portfolio of lending.
4. As consumers pay back the loans, investors collect the principal and interest and they can choose to reinvest.
"Peer lending has finally crossed the chasm and is now on the fast-track of acceptability and growth with real people,” said Rohit Patni the Marketing Director.
Additional Information, UK’s first truly social networking lending and borrowing web marketplace for the UK consumers, provides secure unsecured loans on low interest rates well below those of your local banks.
Social lenders benefit from significantly higher returns than fixed savings deposits in the banks.
More information regarding YES-secure and its promotional offer can be found at
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Debt settlement vs debt consolidation - which makes the most financial sense for you?
Debt settlement vs debt consolidation - which makes the most financial sense for you?
All of us are confronting with critical situations because of our financial instability. People are going through misery as they are unable to subsist with the accumulated huge debts around them. Many of them find bankruptcy as an alternative to get rid of their huge debts. But before availing any option, it is also advised to look for the most suitable option which can go with your financial obligation. Debt settlement and debt consolidation both are considered as one of the finest solutions which can support you in order to live a life free from all your debts.
If we compare debt settlement with debt consolidation, then it is imperative to know the functionality of both the options. Debt consolidation accumulates all the liabilities into one large liability on a reducing rate. People, who are opting debt consolidation, will be paying the creditors' with that money and will be paying the bank slowly but in this way, the principal amount will not be reduced. This process might take a longer time period in order to pay off the loan. Whereas, debt settlement basically reduces the amount to half so that it can easily be paid off within a short period of time and thus, people will be having financial stability.
Both these methods are productive and are in the favor of both the parties but, the time limit for debt consolidation is little longer than debt settlement. Debt consolidation is less nerve-racking as it requires paying a single amount with low interest rate. It is not at all detrimental to the individuals who have larger debts around them.
It is important to go through each and every option very carefully before making the final decision as they are all related to your finances. A significant research is required in order to avail the best option which will ultimately suit your financial picture. Both the options have their own distinctive features but they are serving the same function i.e. to make people free from the debts. By availing the services of debt relief firms, you will be able to negotiate with your creditors in a professional way and your life will be again on a safe financial journey.
If you have over $10,000 in unsecured debt it may be a wise financial decision to consider a debt settlement. Due to the recession and overwhelming amount of people in debt, creditors are having no choice but to agree to debt settlement deals.
Free Debt Advice
Contact us for free debt advice = 8884442820
If we compare debt settlement with debt consolidation, then it is imperative to know the functionality of both the options. Debt consolidation accumulates all the liabilities into one large liability on a reducing rate. People, who are opting debt consolidation, will be paying the creditors' with that money and will be paying the bank slowly but in this way, the principal amount will not be reduced. This process might take a longer time period in order to pay off the loan. Whereas, debt settlement basically reduces the amount to half so that it can easily be paid off within a short period of time and thus, people will be having financial stability.
Both these methods are productive and are in the favor of both the parties but, the time limit for debt consolidation is little longer than debt settlement. Debt consolidation is less nerve-racking as it requires paying a single amount with low interest rate. It is not at all detrimental to the individuals who have larger debts around them.
It is important to go through each and every option very carefully before making the final decision as they are all related to your finances. A significant research is required in order to avail the best option which will ultimately suit your financial picture. Both the options have their own distinctive features but they are serving the same function i.e. to make people free from the debts. By availing the services of debt relief firms, you will be able to negotiate with your creditors in a professional way and your life will be again on a safe financial journey.
If you have over $10,000 in unsecured debt it may be a wise financial decision to consider a debt settlement. Due to the recession and overwhelming amount of people in debt, creditors are having no choice but to agree to debt settlement deals.
Free Debt Advice
Contact us for free debt advice = 8884442820
Honest Credit Debt Consolidation Loans Now Available
Honest Credit Debt Consolidation Loans Now Available
Honest credit debt consolidation loans are now a reality thanks to groups like the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the Association of Settlement Companies and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Most of all the FTC has improved the situation after releasing a 229 page report detailing short comings in the debt help industry. The resulting regulation changes has created a new environment that debtors should be aware of. Dealing with debt is easier and safer now. To find out why, read on.
Credit debt consolidation has been tricky business in the past. A monumental improvement in the functioning of the debt relief industry comes from a very simple law. A credit debt consolidation firm must now show a result before they can charge a customer. With up front fees now prohibited debtors can rest assured they will have their debt consolidated or they won’t have to pay. This alone eliminates unethical companies and perpetrators of fraud.
Regular updates throughout the negotiation process are now required. Previously debtors could assume that creditors were fine with a lack of payment throughout the term of negotiation only to end up facing legal action because their debt experts had not kept them in the loop. This problem does not exist now that regular contact between debtor and negotiator is now mandated by law. Credit debt consolidation negotiators have a responsibility to inform you of where the proceedings stand.
Credit shock used to occur because clients seeking help had no idea what effect that help would have. A credit debt consolidation company has an obligation under the law to tell a debtor before the process begins what will happen to a credit rating. No more credit shock.
With economic tough times continuing it is important that safe credit debt consolidation exists and that consumers know their rights. To find out more, talk to an expert at this Free Debt Relief Network
Credit debt consolidation has been tricky business in the past. A monumental improvement in the functioning of the debt relief industry comes from a very simple law. A credit debt consolidation firm must now show a result before they can charge a customer. With up front fees now prohibited debtors can rest assured they will have their debt consolidated or they won’t have to pay. This alone eliminates unethical companies and perpetrators of fraud.
Regular updates throughout the negotiation process are now required. Previously debtors could assume that creditors were fine with a lack of payment throughout the term of negotiation only to end up facing legal action because their debt experts had not kept them in the loop. This problem does not exist now that regular contact between debtor and negotiator is now mandated by law. Credit debt consolidation negotiators have a responsibility to inform you of where the proceedings stand.
Credit shock used to occur because clients seeking help had no idea what effect that help would have. A credit debt consolidation company has an obligation under the law to tell a debtor before the process begins what will happen to a credit rating. No more credit shock.
With economic tough times continuing it is important that safe credit debt consolidation exists and that consumers know their rights. To find out more, talk to an expert at this Free Debt Relief Network
Debt Consolidation
Federal Debt Consolidation - A Real Debt Relief Solution?
Many consumers have turned to these companies for help in this recessed economy. There are federal debt consolidation programs that can help and may be a better option than a private company.
Aurora Lillo Editor of the "Best Debt Consolidation Services" website -- -- pointed out;
“...What the federal government offers is a debt consolidation loan that can provide consumers who have large amounts of debt a way to pay them off for a lower rate of interest. The negotiations with your creditors are done by the federal government who will work out a solution with creditors to get fees lowered or removed and provide you with an affordable payment option that is within your budget...”
This government option as a debt relief solution provides you with some security that you are dealing with a solid, legal organization. Allowing the government to handle your financial matters and deal with your creditors can relieve you of a lot of the burden of receiving harassing phone calls from bill collectors and threatening letters in the mail.
With a consolidation loan from the government you will be assured of a reasonable rate because they are not in it for the profit potential such as a private consolidation company is. They will deal fairly with you with consideration of your income and working out a reasonable and affordable plan for repayment.
Once you obtain the loan, the government will issue the payments to your creditors just like any other consolidation company. They will handle all matters with them and inform you of new developments and as they occur. The good thing about having this option is that you do not have to suffer alone. There is help out there; you just need to find the right resources to work with you.
You can contact the government agency through online resources or going to your local federal government office for assistance in signing up for this program. This is a viable debt relief option and consumers should take full advantage of it.
“...With all the recent bailouts of major corporations, the federal government is now concentrating on the consumers who power the businesses and helping them with a hand up out of their financial obligations and into a more financially stable situation. Overall, once consumer debt has decreased, this will help the economy tremendously as well as the individuals who need debt help. You can consult with a debt management specialist on what you need to qualify for the loan and how to go about the process of applying...” added A. Lillo.
Further information about trusted and reputable companies for debt consolidation by visiting;
Aurora Lillo Editor of the "Best Debt Consolidation Services" website -- -- pointed out;
“...What the federal government offers is a debt consolidation loan that can provide consumers who have large amounts of debt a way to pay them off for a lower rate of interest. The negotiations with your creditors are done by the federal government who will work out a solution with creditors to get fees lowered or removed and provide you with an affordable payment option that is within your budget...”
This government option as a debt relief solution provides you with some security that you are dealing with a solid, legal organization. Allowing the government to handle your financial matters and deal with your creditors can relieve you of a lot of the burden of receiving harassing phone calls from bill collectors and threatening letters in the mail.
With a consolidation loan from the government you will be assured of a reasonable rate because they are not in it for the profit potential such as a private consolidation company is. They will deal fairly with you with consideration of your income and working out a reasonable and affordable plan for repayment.
Once you obtain the loan, the government will issue the payments to your creditors just like any other consolidation company. They will handle all matters with them and inform you of new developments and as they occur. The good thing about having this option is that you do not have to suffer alone. There is help out there; you just need to find the right resources to work with you.
You can contact the government agency through online resources or going to your local federal government office for assistance in signing up for this program. This is a viable debt relief option and consumers should take full advantage of it.
“...With all the recent bailouts of major corporations, the federal government is now concentrating on the consumers who power the businesses and helping them with a hand up out of their financial obligations and into a more financially stable situation. Overall, once consumer debt has decreased, this will help the economy tremendously as well as the individuals who need debt help. You can consult with a debt management specialist on what you need to qualify for the loan and how to go about the process of applying...”
Further information about trusted and reputable companies for debt consolidation by visiting;
New Report on "Global Money Transfer (Remittance) Market: An Analysis" available through Aarkstore
New Report on "Global Money Transfer (Remittance) Market: An Analysis" available through Aarkstore
The money transfer market or the remittance market is extremely large and has been growing at a steady rate over the last two decades, driven mostly by a combination of long-term trends relating to immigration flows, disparities among national economies and technological innovation.
But the remittance from overseas workers, which is a financial lifeline for many developing countries, is under pressure as a consequence of the downturn in the global economy. With global GDP expected to contract by 0.9% in 2009 and with recession hitting the key destinations for migrants especially the United States, the European Union and the Gulf countries, the flow of remittances is expected to decline considerably in the year 2009. The developing countries that are popular for the export of labor have already started facing the inevitable problem of declining remittances with companies across the globe having started shedding employees.
And with declining volumes of global remittances, the formal and most popular channel for money transfers i.e. MTOs or Money Transfer Organizations are facing a decline in their margins. But the factors that are supporting the growth of revenues of MTOs are the shifting remittance volume from informal and illegal channels like the hawala system to the formal channels (as a result of stricter regulations on the backdrop of terrorist activities).
Another factor that is working in favor of most formal money transfer channels is the expanding networks of MTOs and the growing base of banks, especially in the remote regions of the developing countries. Technology is also playing a key role with mobile money transfers gaining huge popularity. Mobile money transfers are not cannibalizing the traditional money transfer markets as this channel is increasingly being used for transferring smaller amounts of money and hence also leverage by the MTOs.
The formal money transfer industry is highly fragmented with MTOs like Western Union, MoneyGram and Ria (Euronet) controlling a very small share of the total money transfer market. As the smaller and local players hold majority of the share but does not have enough financial strength for further investments or market their products and develop their brands, the global MTOs can leverage this opportunity and get a foothold in the regional markets.
The report titled “Global Money Transfer (Remittance) Market: An Analysis” analyzes the historical trend of money transfers and the recent impact of economic slowdown on the industry. The report presents the drivers of the industry and the opportunities for the money transfer organizations despite a slowdown in the flow of remittances. The challenges that MTOs are facing have also been illustrated in the report. Further, the competitive landscape of the industry in which global MTOs like Western Union, MoneyGram, Euronet and Coinstar are operating has also been analyzed. The future of the industry has also been critically discussed in this report.
For more information, please visit : ...
email us at or call +919272852585.
But the remittance from overseas workers, which is a financial lifeline for many developing countries, is under pressure as a consequence of the downturn in the global economy. With global GDP expected to contract by 0.9% in 2009 and with recession hitting the key destinations for migrants especially the United States, the European Union and the Gulf countries, the flow of remittances is expected to decline considerably in the year 2009. The developing countries that are popular for the export of labor have already started facing the inevitable problem of declining remittances with companies across the globe having started shedding employees.
And with declining volumes of global remittances, the formal and most popular channel for money transfers i.e. MTOs or Money Transfer Organizations are facing a decline in their margins. But the factors that are supporting the growth of revenues of MTOs are the shifting remittance volume from informal and illegal channels like the hawala system to the formal channels (as a result of stricter regulations on the backdrop of terrorist activities).
Another factor that is working in favor of most formal money transfer channels is the expanding networks of MTOs and the growing base of banks, especially in the remote regions of the developing countries. Technology is also playing a key role with mobile money transfers gaining huge popularity. Mobile money transfers are not cannibalizing the traditional money transfer markets as this channel is increasingly being used for transferring smaller amounts of money and hence also leverage by the MTOs.
The formal money transfer industry is highly fragmented with MTOs like Western Union, MoneyGram and Ria (Euronet) controlling a very small share of the total money transfer market. As the smaller and local players hold majority of the share but does not have enough financial strength for further investments or market their products and develop their brands, the global MTOs can leverage this opportunity and get a foothold in the regional markets.
The report titled “Global Money Transfer (Remittance)
For more information, please visit :
email us at or call +919272852585.
money transfer
Finalists announced in first mobile money transfer awards
Some of the biggest and most innovative names in mobile money transfer (MMT) are amongst the finalists for the first Mobile Money Awards at the industry's leading, annual event in Dubai, MMT Global, from 24 to 27 October. Safaricom, Vodafone, Orange Money, Telenor & Tameer Bank and Western Union are just some of the leading companies that have been nominated in one of six categories for the awards.
MMT Awards
"We want to celebrate the success of mobile money and the impact that it is having on the lives of end users around the world," says Steven Clarke, MMT Global director. "Following a vigorous review process of scores of entries, our team of judges, made up of industry experts, have selected the top four MMT programmes in each of our six categories."
1. Best MMT entrant of the year
Recognises an operator or financial institution that has launched a successful new MMT service in the past 12 months.
- Grameenphone’s m-ticketing programme for Bangladesh Railway
- Vodafone Money Transfer, Fiji
- Banglalink’s Mobile Wallet Service – Bangladesh
- Telenor & Tameer Bank – EasyPaisa
2. Achievement in financial inclusion
Recognises an MMT service provider who has made a real difference to the unbanked in their country of operation, bringing about tangible social and economic improvement. This award is open to operators, banks or microfinance institutions.
- Safaricom - M-PESA
- EKO Financial Services
- Telenor & Tameer Bank – EasyPaisa
3. Best bank led MMT project
Recognises the best bank led customer-facing MMT model. The award will take into account subscription and adoption rates as well as the banks’ market entry strategy and how well the service has been received by customers.
- HSBC Brasil
- MCB Bank
- Yes Bank
- Permanent TSB
4. Best operator led MMT project
Recognises the best operator led MMT model. The award acknowledges subscription and usage rates, customer reach and ease of service for end users.
- Vodafone Money Transfer – Tanzania & South Africa
- Maxis Communications
- Orange Money
- Zoompass
5. Most inventive marketing campaign
Acknowledges the most innovative and appealing marketing campaign, whether they employ advertisements in the media, word of mouth, viral marketing or any other means, this award is all about how you got your target market to engage with your product!
- Safaricom – M-PESA
- Zoompass
- Oi Paggo
- Telenor & Tameer Bank – EasyPaisa
6. Best IMT programme
MMT is viewed as a fantastic vehicle for cross border remittances, yet few providers have successfully launched IMT services. Which to date have been the most successful in terms of product usability?
- Western Union
- aKos
- Banglalink
There will also be a special award acknowledging outstanding individual contribution to mobile money development.
Event website:
Event dates and location: 24-27 Otober 2010, Intercontinental, Festival City, Dubai, UAE
MMT Awards
"We want to celebrate the success of mobile money and the impact that it is having on the lives of end users around the world," says Steven Clarke, MMT Global director. "Following a vigorous review process of scores of entries, our team of judges, made up of industry experts, have selected the top four MMT programmes in each of our six categories."
1. Best MMT entrant of the year
Recognises an operator or financial institution that has launched a successful new MMT service in the past 12 months.
- Grameenphone’
- Vodafone Money Transfer, Fiji
- Banglalink’s Mobile Wallet Service – Bangladesh
- Telenor & Tameer Bank – EasyPaisa
2. Achievement in financial inclusion
Recognises an MMT service provider who has made a real difference to the unbanked in their country of operation, bringing about tangible social and economic improvement. This award is open to operators, banks or microfinance institutions.
- Safaricom - M-PESA
- EKO Financial Services
- Telenor & Tameer Bank – EasyPaisa
3. Best bank led MMT project
Recognises the best bank led customer-facing MMT model. The award will take into account subscription and adoption rates as well as the banks’ market entry strategy and how well the service has been received by customers.
- HSBC Brasil
- MCB Bank
- Yes Bank
- Permanent TSB
4. Best operator led MMT project
Recognises the best operator led MMT model. The award acknowledges subscription and usage rates, customer reach and ease of service for end users.
- Vodafone Money Transfer – Tanzania & South Africa
- Maxis Communications
- Orange Money
- Zoompass
5. Most inventive marketing campaign
Acknowledges the most innovative and appealing marketing campaign, whether they employ advertisements in the media, word of mouth, viral marketing or any other means, this award is all about how you got your target market to engage with your product!
- Safaricom – M-PESA
- Zoompass
- Oi Paggo
- Telenor & Tameer Bank – EasyPaisa
6. Best IMT programme
MMT is viewed as a fantastic vehicle for cross border remittances, yet few providers have successfully launched IMT services. Which to date have been the most successful in terms of product usability?
- Western Union
- aKos
- Banglalink
There will also be a special award acknowledging outstanding individual contribution to mobile money development.
Event website:
Event dates and location: 24-27 Otober 2010, Intercontinental, Festival City, Dubai, UAE
Student Loan Debt Consolidation – Get Rid from all worries
Student Loan Debt Consolidation – Get Rid from all worries
If you have several student loans to pay concurrently, it can be hard and financially difficult to manage. Luckily for students, there is the option to consolidate all your student loans together. We called it Student Loan Debt Consolidation.
What is student loan debt consolidation?
It simply means consolidating all your student loans into one so you only have to make monthly payments to one lender instead of several. The advantage is that you pay lower interest rates and most student loan debt consolidation has higher repayment periods.
There are many financial institutions and banks that offer private student loan consolidation. They will pay off your existing student loans to their respective lenders. They will then consolidate the loans into one. The interest rate of the new student loan debt consolidation is then calculated by taking the average of the interest rates of your previous student loans. That is why your student loan debt consolidation’s interest rate is lower.
Some student loan debt consolidations are payable at a fixed rate though so be sure to check with your lender first.
Personal Debt Consolidation Loan
A personal debt consolidation loan is given to borrowers in lessening their cumbersome debts. By availing this loan, a borrower can consolidate his all unpaid loans into one and later the borrower needs to pay only on that single loan instead of various ones. With an instance, we can explain the method. Suppose a borrower has taken four loans from four creditors. Now, he has to deal with four creditors individually. With a personal debt consolidation loan, he can merge his four loans into one and his deal will be going on with one lender only.
Credit card bill consolidations
Credit card bill consolidations will get you out of mess when your dues with your account have piled up high because of your inability to pay them on time. Piling up begins as you start to pay for the minimum dues because you were already unable to pay more as there is no more money left from meeting all those monthly expenses.
As the interest rates continue to earn with your principal, it seems your dues even get higher. As a result, you continue to default until you realize you are already in difficulty keeping with the skyrocketing total amount from the credit card. If you keep many credit cards, and they all have the same status that is the time when bill consolidations will be considered your savior.
What is student loan debt consolidation?
It simply means consolidating all your student loans into one so you only have to make monthly payments to one lender instead of several. The advantage is that you pay lower interest rates and most student loan debt consolidation has higher repayment periods.
There are many financial institutions and banks that offer private student loan consolidation. They will pay off your existing student loans to their respective lenders. They will then consolidate the loans into one. The interest rate of the new student loan debt consolidation is then calculated by taking the average of the interest rates of your previous student loans. That is why your student loan debt consolidation’
Some student loan debt consolidations are payable at a fixed rate though so be sure to check with your lender first.
Personal Debt Consolidation Loan
A personal debt consolidation loan is given to borrowers in lessening their cumbersome debts. By availing this loan, a borrower can consolidate his all unpaid loans into one and later the borrower needs to pay only on that single loan instead of various ones. With an instance, we can explain the method. Suppose a borrower has taken four loans from four creditors. Now, he has to deal with four creditors individually. With a personal debt consolidation loan, he can merge his four loans into one and his deal will be going on with one lender only.
Credit card bill consolidations
Credit card bill consolidations will get you out of mess when your dues with your account have piled up high because of your inability to pay them on time. Piling up begins as you start to pay for the minimum dues because you were already unable to pay more as there is no more money left from meeting all those monthly expenses.
As the interest rates continue to earn with your principal, it seems your dues even get higher. As a result, you continue to default until you realize you are already in difficulty keeping with the skyrocketing total amount from the credit card. If you keep many credit cards, and they all have the same status that is the time when bill consolidations will be considered your savior.
Online AES Student Loan Consolidation
Online AES Student Loan Consolidation
Online AES Student Loan Consolidation
AES Student Loan Consolidation - These loans has been on offer from the American Education Service since 1964 and has grown from a PHEAA division to one of the largest AES student loan consolidation organizations in USA.
The AES student loan consolidation organization started back in 1964 as a division of the PHEAA, and with no more than 4500 students back in the sixties, the AES has grown to be one of the largest and most successful guaranting companies in America, offering AES student loan consolidation to all American citizens.
During the years, the AES has been following a two way strategy in order to ease the financial burden on students as well as to create a stable balance of student liability. The innovative thinking of the AES made it possible to develop a unique streamline financial system and deliverty system, giving students AES student loan consolidation loans.
AES student loan consolidation loans and resources are very useful, helpful and beneficial to all students, and should you be interested in AES student loan consolidation or AES student loans, kindly follow the link below :
AES student loan consolidation loans are able to give students flexibility, better management of the loan, and finally, more convenience. These loans also offers several ways for students to repay their loans, some of which includes the direct debit method.
The AES also makes provision for defaulted people by now offering direct debit for defaulted borrowers. Simply apply online to have your AES student loan consolidation sorted out without any hassle.
AES Student Loan Consolidation - These loans has been on offer from the American Education Service since 1964 and has grown from a PHEAA division to one of the largest AES student loan consolidation organizations in USA.
The AES student loan consolidation organization started back in 1964 as a division of the PHEAA, and with no more than 4500 students back in the sixties, the AES has grown to be one of the largest and most successful guaranting companies in America, offering AES student loan consolidation to all American citizens.
During the years, the AES has been following a two way strategy in order to ease the financial burden on students as well as to create a stable balance of student liability. The innovative thinking of the AES made it possible to develop a unique streamline financial system and deliverty system, giving students AES student loan consolidation loans.
AES student loan consolidation loans and resources are very useful, helpful and beneficial to all students, and should you be interested in AES student loan consolidation or AES student loans, kindly follow the link below :
AES student loan consolidation loans are able to give students flexibility, better management of the loan, and finally, more convenience. These loans also offers several ways for students to repay their loans, some of which includes the direct debit method.
The AES also makes provision for defaulted people by now offering direct debit for defaulted borrowers. Simply apply online to have your AES student loan consolidation sorted out without any hassle.
consolidate student loans
Student Loan Consolidation Companies
Student Loan Consolidation Companies
Many graduates use student loan consolidation as a way to combine their loans into one loan.This loan is handled by one creditor. The creditor pays the multiple loans in full, leaving the student to pay for one new loan. Students no longer need to pay multiple student loans with separate billing cycles, dates or interest rates. Once the loan has been approved, graduate students have only one loan and one interest rate which is paid to one creditor. For more information, visit ...
Be sure to do your research, before selecting your loan.First know the terms of agreement, monthly payments, and interest rates for each loan and creditor before looking for a loan consolidation company or program. When selecting a company or program, make it a point to compare them; know their terms of agreement, interest rates and obligations. After you have selected a program or company, send them the information that you have collected.
There are Private and Federal Student Loan Consolidations.Federal Student Loan allows a student to have all their Federal loans combined into one new loan.
The government provides several Federal programs, including:
· The Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL). FFEL will soon be replaced by the Direct Loan program and Pell Grant and the Federal Direct Student Loan Program (FDLP). These programs enable students to have their loans from Stafford Loans, Federal Perkins Loans and PLUS Loans combined into one Federal loan. These are fixed-rate loans backed up by the U.S. Government; offered to parents and students.
· The Federal Direct Student Loan Program (FDLP) was created by the U.S. Department of Education in effort to assist students and parents with their loans.
Private Loan Consolidation combines private student loans into a single new loan. Prior to considering private loan consolidation, apply for a federal loan, the reason for this is to better maximize federal loans that are available. Private companies such as Sallie Mae recommend it.
Below are several Federal Loans:· Perkins Loans are funded by the government. They carry a very low interest rate but are need-based, a financial officer would determine if a student is eligible.
· PLUS Loans are for parents of undergraduate students. There are in addition PLUS Loans for students as well. Payments on this plan will begin once this loan is approved. PLUS loans allow you to take up to 10 years for repayment. Commercial banks and online lenders offer PLUS Loans for both parents and students.
· Stafford Loans offer a low interest rate. They do not raise their interest rates any higher. Stafford loans do not require a student to pay any interest whilstat school and are not required to pay the loan in the six months after graduation. It offers 10 years for repayment.
Here are a few private companies that offer Loan consolidation:
· Loan Approval Direct offers interest rates as low as 3 percent. Reducing a student's monthly loan to as much as 60 percent.
· SLM Corporation or commonly named Sallie Mae. Sallie Mae offers a range of options depending on the type of discipline or what education program a student would have. Such programs include Federal Stafford Loan, Parent PLUS Loan, Graduate PLUS Loan, Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loan, Continuing Education Loan and Career Training Loan.
· Citibank provides programs such as CitiAssist Undergraduate and Graduate Loans, CitiAssist Health Professions; CitiAssist Residency, Relocation and Review Loans; and the CitiAssist Law and CitiAssist Bar Exam Loans. Students receive a 0.25% interest rate reduction in their auto-debit payment program. These programs take up to 20 to 25 years to repay.
· EdFed is one more private company. By selecting one of their plans a student can lower their monthly payment by as much as 60 percent. They also provide interest-only payments. The fixed interest on EdFed is the weighted average of the interest rates of the loans a student consolidated, rounded to the nearest 1/8th percent. For more information, visit ...
Many graduates use student loan consolidation as a way to combine their loans into one loan.This loan is handled by one creditor. The creditor pays the multiple loans in full, leaving the student to pay for one new loan. Students no longer need to pay multiple student loans with separate billing cycles, dates or interest rates. Once the loan has been approved, graduate students have only one loan and one interest rate which is paid to one creditor. For more information, visit http://student-
Be sure to do your research, before selecting your loan.First know the terms of agreement, monthly payments, and interest rates for each loan and creditor before looking for a loan consolidation company or program. When selecting a company or program, make it a point to compare them; know their terms of agreement, interest rates and obligations. After you have selected a program or company, send them the information that you have collected.
There are Private and Federal Student Loan Consolidations.Federal Student Loan allows a student to have all their Federal loans combined into one new loan.
The government provides several Federal programs, including:
· The Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL). FFEL will soon be replaced by the Direct Loan program and Pell Grant and the Federal Direct Student Loan Program (FDLP). These programs enable students to have their loans from Stafford Loans, Federal Perkins Loans and PLUS Loans combined into one Federal loan. These are fixed-rate loans backed up by the U.S. Government; offered to parents and students.
· The Federal Direct Student Loan Program (FDLP) was created by the U.S. Department of Education in effort to assist students and parents with their loans.
Private Loan Consolidation combines private student loans into a single new loan. Prior to considering private loan consolidation, apply for a federal loan, the reason for this is to better maximize federal loans that are available. Private companies such as Sallie Mae recommend it.
Below are several Federal Loans:·
· PLUS Loans are for parents of undergraduate students. There are in addition PLUS Loans for students as well. Payments on this plan will begin once this loan is approved. PLUS loans allow you to take up to 10 years for repayment. Commercial banks and online lenders offer PLUS Loans for both parents and students.
· Stafford Loans offer a low interest rate. They do not raise their interest rates any higher. Stafford loans do not require a student to pay any interest whilstat school and are not required to pay the loan in the six months after graduation. It offers 10 years for repayment.
Here are a few private companies that offer Loan consolidation:
· Loan Approval Direct offers interest rates as low as 3 percent. Reducing a student's monthly loan to as much as 60 percent.
· SLM Corporation or commonly named Sallie Mae. Sallie Mae offers a range of options depending on the type of discipline or what education program a student would have. Such programs include Federal Stafford Loan, Parent PLUS Loan, Graduate PLUS Loan, Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loan, Continuing Education Loan and Career Training Loan.
· Citibank provides programs such as CitiAssist Undergraduate and Graduate Loans, CitiAssist Health Professions;
· EdFed is one more private company. By selecting one of their plans a student can lower their monthly payment by as much as 60 percent. They also provide interest-only payments. The fixed interest on EdFed is the weighted average of the interest rates of the loans a student consolidated, rounded to the nearest 1/8th percent. For more information, visit http://student-
online car insurance
Vehicle sales trend follows car insurance online
According to GForces, a British web management company for the automotive sector, as much as 20 percent of all UK car sales will be conducted online within the next five years.
It is predicted that the entire buying process could be replaced by an e-commerce procedure. Currently, the process involves buyers going to a dealership and test driving the desired car before signing on the dotted line. Visits to dealerships are expected to continue, as many people prefer to test drive the vehicle and speak face-to-face about the deal.
It would appear, however, that the Internet generation are less inclined to make this effort. Consumers are moving towards behaviour which includes reading online reviews from trusted sources, finding the best price, and then conducting a secure financial transaction over the Internet.
This trend has been boosted by the number of people who search for car insurance: policies online. Consumers are able to search and compare car insurance quotes quickly, easily and in their own time. The convenience of this capability has lead to demand for similar ease when it comes to purchasing products such as televisions, furniture, and eventually, cars.
Tim Smith, GForces' Commercial Director, explains that people are now more comfortable with purchasing large products online. Smith does not believe that this move signals an inevitable decline for traditional dealers. Traditional dealers will have time to create a strong online presence in the next few years.
"This is a fantastic opportunity for car dealers, rather than a looming disaster," Smith says in a release. "Many of our clients are meeting their customers' demands by moving more of the car sales functions online such as vehicle reviews, finance propositions and insurance quotations."
The ability to adapt to consumer trends is a vital aspect of both online and offline marketing. Car dealers who take time to put an effective web marketing strategy in place will be far better equipped to function successfully in the online marketplace of the future.
It is predicted that the entire buying process could be replaced by an e-commerce procedure. Currently, the process involves buyers going to a dealership and test driving the desired car before signing on the dotted line. Visits to dealerships are expected to continue, as many people prefer to test drive the vehicle and speak face-to-face about the deal.
It would appear, however, that the Internet generation are less inclined to make this effort. Consumers are moving towards behaviour which includes reading online reviews from trusted sources, finding the best price, and then conducting a secure financial transaction over the Internet.
This trend has been boosted by the number of people who search for car insurance:
Tim Smith, GForces' Commercial Director, explains that people are now more comfortable with purchasing large products online. Smith does not believe that this move signals an inevitable decline for traditional dealers. Traditional dealers will have time to create a strong online presence in the next few years.
"This is a fantastic opportunity for car dealers, rather than a looming disaster," Smith says in a release. "Many of our clients are meeting their customers' demands by moving more of the car sales functions online such as vehicle reviews, finance propositions and insurance quotations."
The ability to adapt to consumer trends is a vital aspect of both online and offline marketing. Car dealers who take time to put an effective web marketing strategy in place will be far better equipped to function successfully in the online marketplace of the future.
Wrongful Death Due to Anesthesia
Wrongful Death Due to Anesthesia
Three years later, a jury returned a $20 million verdict in an anesthesia medical malpractice lawsuit. It was a preventable wrongful death.
The death of Paulett Pettaway Hall in 2006 was one that could have been prevented had the doctor and anesthesiologist paid attention to the patient’s medical records. “Unfortunately, the defendants in this case did not examine her abdomen for the cause of her severe stomach pains and did not read her medical records. The records clearly stated that Hall was a high risk patient, and was at peril for breathing fluids into her lungs,” indicated Daren Monroe, Litigation Funding Corporation, Southfield, Michigan.
Hall was having exploratory surgery done to find out what was causing her severe stomach pains. In order to have the surgery, she was given anesthesia. Once she was under, she began breathing bile into her lungs; an incident that later caused her death. “The wrongful death/anesthesia medical malpractice suit contended that the defendants didn’t refer to Hall’s medical records prior to giving her anesthetic,” explained Monroe.
The jury sitting this case found in favor of the plaintiff, Hall’s husband and family, who contended her death was preventable, but for the negligence of the doctors. The damages awarded were $20 million.
The shocking thing about this case and about the trial itself, is that anesthesia deaths clocked in at over 2,200 deaths between 1999 and 2005. These figures are courtesy of the medical journal,
Anesthesiology, which also reveals that anesthetic is the number one underlying cause in roughly 34 fatalities every year in the US. In addition to that, anesthesia is also the contributing culprit in close to 281 deaths. “The figures actually show that just over 46% of the deaths discussed here were due to an overdose of anesthesia, while complications, such as Hall’s, represented about 11% of the recorded deaths,” Monroe added.
Either way, this case is looked at, from the perspective of a wrongful death or the perspective of medical malpractice, as a case of unnecessary death. Hall’s family suffered the tremendous loss of a wife, mother, friend, aunt and sister. Their grief was compounded by having to also find ways to cope without her income, a significant a part of the family dynamic.
During the three years it took for this trial to come to a verdict, the Hall family had to carry on with their lives as best they could, struggling from paycheck to paycheck. Although, for all practical purposes, they were unable to barely make ends meet, this didn’t have to be the case. Lawsuit financing could likely have been secured with one quick phone call.
“Contacting a lawsuit financial company with a good reputation and qualifying for funding would have made the Hall family’s wait a lot easier. Lawsuit funding removes the pressure to settle early and inexpensively and allows the attorney the time he/she needs to get the litigant the fairest possible result,” said Daren Monroe, Litigation Funding Corporation, Southfield, Michigan.
The death of Paulett Pettaway Hall in 2006 was one that could have been prevented had the doctor and anesthesiologist paid attention to the patient’s medical records. “Unfortunately, the defendants in this case did not examine her abdomen for the cause of her severe stomach pains and did not read her medical records. The records clearly stated that Hall was a high risk patient, and was at peril for breathing fluids into her lungs,” indicated Daren Monroe, Litigation Funding Corporation, Southfield, Michigan.
Hall was having exploratory surgery done to find out what was causing her severe stomach pains. In order to have the surgery, she was given anesthesia. Once she was under, she began breathing bile into her lungs; an incident that later caused her death. “The wrongful death/anesthesia medical malpractice suit contended that the defendants didn’t refer to Hall’s medical records prior to giving her anesthetic,”
The jury sitting this case found in favor of the plaintiff, Hall’s husband and family, who contended her death was preventable, but for the negligence of the doctors. The damages awarded were $20 million.
The shocking thing about this case and about the trial itself, is that anesthesia deaths clocked in at over 2,200 deaths between 1999 and 2005. These figures are courtesy of the medical journal,
Anesthesiology, which also reveals that anesthetic is the number one underlying cause in roughly 34 fatalities every year in the US. In addition to that, anesthesia is also the contributing culprit in close to 281 deaths. “The figures actually show that just over 46% of the deaths discussed here were due to an overdose of anesthesia, while complications, such as Hall’s, represented about 11% of the recorded deaths,” Monroe added.
Either way, this case is looked at, from the perspective of a wrongful death or the perspective of medical malpractice, as a case of unnecessary death. Hall’s family suffered the tremendous loss of a wife, mother, friend, aunt and sister. Their grief was compounded by having to also find ways to cope without her income, a significant a part of the family dynamic.
During the three years it took for this trial to come to a verdict, the Hall family had to carry on with their lives as best they could, struggling from paycheck to paycheck. Although, for all practical purposes, they were unable to barely make ends meet, this didn’t have to be the case. Lawsuit financing could likely have been secured with one quick phone call.
“Contacting a lawsuit financial company with a good reputation and qualifying for funding would have made the Hall family’s wait a lot easier. Lawsuit funding removes the pressure to settle early and inexpensively and allows the attorney the time he/she needs to get the litigant the fairest possible result,” said Daren Monroe, Litigation Funding Corporation, Southfield, Michigan.
UGGs at Cloggs going from strength to strength
UGGs at Cloggs going from strength to strength
New York, October 29, 2010—FXCM has announced the winners of the King of the Micro Contest for September. Contest participants demonstrated the perseverance it takes to be King, as the market dictated a decline on the EUR from a five-month high versus the USD and against 15 of its 16 major counterparts concerning bank debt. The live currency trading competition engaged a diverse group of forex traders and the title winner was Zhondg Da Jian, who boasted nearly 2,860.58%* in profits and a prize of $25,000 for September.
Standing Prize Name Country Percentage Growth*
1st $25,000 Zhong Da Jian Canada 2,860.58%
2nd $10,000 Yong Ze Zhang China 1,309.64%
3rd $5,000 Wessam Elhamy Allam Egypt 565.18%
More about the Winners and their Strategies:
1st Place:
Zhondg Da Jian, boasted nearly 2,860.58% in profits* and a prize of $25,000 for September. Utilizing fundamental analysis and numerous technical indicators, Jian demonstrated his understanding of the financial markets as he traded GBP/USD, EUR/USD, AUD/USD, and EUR/JPY. As the first place winner and an avid trader, Jian recommends others to “follow the rules, be disciplined, and concentrate on trading and always be ready to learn.” View Jian’s trading report and survey.
2nd Place:
Runner-up Yong Ze Zhang is a devoted trader with five years of trading experience. He leaned on financial information and currency market commentaries to stay on top of the market and take second place with 1,309.64%* in profits trading the AUD/USD. Yong Ze Zhang recommends viewing weaknesses as an opportunity to learn and to keep trading even if a loss is experienced. View Zhang’s trading report and survey.
3rd place:
Finishing up in third place was Wessam Elhamy Allam, who opened his first real Micro account in September. With seven-months of trading experience on a demo account, Allam attained a 565.18%* profit and he finds educational resources not only beneficial but necessary as trading tools. He recommends others to “find a way to deal with your losses and to handle a losing trade when you are still on a demo, as this is one of the most difficult parts of trading.” View Wessam’s trading report and survey.
What is the FXCM King of the Micro Contest?
King of the Micro is a currency trading contest hosted by FXCM, which gives away cash prizes every month: $25,000 for the trader with the highest trading return, $10,000 to second place, and $5,000 goes to third place.
In the past, winners have come from different trading levels, from people who are in the process of learning forex trading to trading experts. It’s free to enter and no registration is needed.
To be a part of the November King of the Micro contest you must be an FXCM Micro client with $500 in your account at the beginning of the month, and you’ll be automatically entered.
You must make ten trades during the month to remain eligible. To read the full contest rules, and to deposit money into your FXCM Micro account, view the King of the Micro Monthly Trading Contest Rules.
About FXCM Holdings LLC
FXCM Holdings LLC (FXCM) is a global online forex and CFD broker† that caters to both retail and institutional markets. Founded in 1999, FXCM is regulated by several of the world’s most respected financial authorities.
At the heart of FXCM’s client offering is No Dealing Desk forex trading. Clients have market access to FXCM’s large network of forex liquidity providers that enables FXCM to offer clients spreads as low as 1 pip on major crosses. Clients also have the benefits of mobile trading, one-click order execution, and trading from real-time charts. FXCM’s UK subsidiary, Forex Capital Markets Limited, offers CFD products† with no re-quote trading and allows traders to trade oil, gold, silver, and stock indices, along with forex on one platform. In addition to currency and CFD trading,† FXCM offers educational courses on forex trading, and provides free news and research through
*Past performance is not indicative of future results.
† Please be advised that CFD accounts are not available to residents of the US or its territories.
Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Any opinions, analyses, or other information contained is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. Read full risk disclaimer.
1st $25,000 Zhong Da Jian Canada 2,860.58%
2nd $10,000 Yong Ze Zhang China 1,309.64%
3rd $5,000 Wessam Elhamy Allam Egypt 565.18%
More about the Winners and their Strategies:
1st Place:
Zhondg Da Jian, boasted nearly 2,860.58% in profits* and a prize of $25,000 for September. Utilizing fundamental analysis and numerous technical indicators, Jian demonstrated his understanding of the financial markets as he traded GBP/USD, EUR/USD, AUD/USD, and EUR/JPY. As the first place winner and an avid trader, Jian recommends others to “follow the rules, be disciplined, and concentrate on trading and always be ready to learn.” View Jian’s trading report and survey.
2nd Place:
Runner-up Yong Ze Zhang is a devoted trader with five years of trading experience. He leaned on financial information and currency market commentaries to stay on top of the market and take second place with 1,309.64%* in profits trading the AUD/USD. Yong Ze Zhang recommends viewing weaknesses as an opportunity to learn and to keep trading even if a loss is experienced. View Zhang’s trading report and survey.
3rd place:
Finishing up in third place was Wessam Elhamy Allam, who opened his first real Micro account in September. With seven-months of trading experience on a demo account, Allam attained a 565.18%* profit and he finds educational resources not only beneficial but necessary as trading tools. He recommends others to “find a way to deal with your losses and to handle a losing trade when you are still on a demo, as this is one of the most difficult parts of trading.” View Wessam’s trading report and survey.
What is the FXCM King of the Micro Contest?
King of the Micro is a currency trading contest hosted by FXCM, which gives away cash prizes every month: $25,000 for the trader with the highest trading return, $10,000 to second place, and $5,000 goes to third place.
In the past, winners have come from different trading levels, from people who are in the process of learning forex trading to trading experts. It’s free to enter and no registration is needed.
To be a part of the November King of the Micro contest you must be an FXCM Micro client with $500 in your account at the beginning of the month, and you’ll be automatically entered.
You must make ten trades during the month to remain eligible. To read the full contest rules, and to deposit money into your FXCM Micro account, view the King of the Micro Monthly Trading Contest Rules.
About FXCM Holdings LLC
FXCM Holdings LLC (FXCM) is a global online forex and CFD broker† that caters to both retail and institutional markets. Founded in 1999, FXCM is regulated by several of the world’s most respected financial authorities.
At the heart of FXCM’s client offering is No Dealing Desk forex trading. Clients have market access to FXCM’s large network of forex liquidity providers that enables FXCM to offer clients spreads as low as 1 pip on major crosses. Clients also have the benefits of mobile trading, one-click order execution, and trading from real-time charts. FXCM’s UK subsidiary, Forex Capital Markets Limited, offers CFD products† with no re-quote trading and allows traders to trade oil, gold, silver, and stock indices, along with forex on one platform. In addition to currency and CFD trading,† FXCM offers educational courses on forex trading, and provides free news and research through
*Past performance is not indicative of future results.
† Please be advised that CFD accounts are not available to residents of the US or its territories.
Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Any opinions, analyses, or other information contained is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. Read full risk disclaimer.
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